mercoledì 23 luglio 2014

What tags would you be likely to use to monitor your customer's (dis)satisfaction?

What tags would you be likely to use to monitor your customer's (dis)satisfaction?

If we are talking about hashtags, Twitter can give us more than a hint. A two minute's browsing into my home stream gave me significative results using these two search keys:


But how are WE likely to use a tagging logic to monitor the (dis)satisfaction of our customers through the incredible flow of information that we ourself collect during our daily duty as customer service representatives?

Do we really need to use our (limited by definition) brain resources to find the best answer to solve our customers' problems or to fill an unfriendly template where we are asked to use OUR time and skills to decide if a customer's discontent is more or less serious, if the complaint is about the product or about the service and so on? All this, while we have already entered a lot of data in the company's CRM and/or ticketing system?

Why don't use a tagging logic to quickly provide unstructered data to someone else that is expected to use THEIR (limited by definition) brain resources, time and skills to analyse tha data and bring out sensible, working results from them?

Food for thoughts, in my opinion.